Wydział Anglistyki UAM zaprasza na wykłady gościnne
Wydarzenie, trwa od 17-11-2015 do 18-11-2015

The Faculty of English: The Language, Society, Technology, and Cognition (LST&C)interdisciplinary Ph.D. programme and the Department of Contemporary English Language would like to invite you to open lectures by Dr Joan Carles Mora(University of Barcelona).

Talker and listener factors in the perception of non-native speech: implications for the assessment of oral fluency, comprehensibility and accentedness,

held on 18.11.2015 (Wednesday), 11:30, C1, Collegium Novum


Individual differences in L2 phonological processing,

held as part of the *phon&phon* reading group meetings on 17.11.2015 (Tuesday), 18.30, Room 109A, Collegium Novum.

More information at: http://wa.amu.edu.pl/wa/node/7028 and http://wa.amu.edu.pl/wa/node/7027, respectively.

Informację wprowadził/a: Marcin Turski