The Faculty of English hosts the 4th conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English.
Wydarzenie, trwa od 18-09-2016 do 21-09-2016

The central aim of ISLE is to promote the study of English Language, that is, the study of the structure and history of standard and non-standard varieties of English, in terms of both form and function, at an international level. The society aims to provide a geographically and theoretically neutral central contact point for all those who are academically active and who identify with this aim. The special theme of the conference is "English in a multilingual world: Challenges and perspectives".

The key speakers include:

- Prof. Anne Curzan, University of Michigan
- Prof. Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Prof. Bao Zhiming, National University of Singapore
- Prof. Olga Fischer, University of Amsterdam (Presidential Address)

The final version of the conference program can be obtained here:

Informację wprowadził/a: Marcin Turski