Prestiżowe wyróżnienie dla Studenckiego Koła AAPG przy Instytucie Geologii UAM
Wiadomość, opublikowana 04-09-2018
Studenckie Koło AAPG zostało nagrodzone wyjątkową nagrodą - Outstanding European Student Chapter Award za działalność w roku akademickim 2016/2017. Jest to bardzo prestiżowe wyróżnienie wśród Chapterów działających w całej Europie.

Poniżej załączamy treść oficjalnej wiadomości potwierdzającej nagrodę oraz certyfikat:

Dear Adam Mickievicz University Poznań Student Chapter Representatives,

It is my pleasure to inform you that AAPG Europe Region has created a new appreciation system for the European Student Chapters and first time the Adam Mickievicz University Poznań Student Chapter of AAPG was awarded the Outstanding European Student Chapter Award this year based on your activity in the 2016/2017 fiscal year. This honor comes with a $500 (USD) cash prize and a commemorative certificate. Please find attached the certificate, it will come via mail from the Europe Region Office as well.

In order to make the payment to your chapter, we will need you to complete the attached wire transfer form and provide a valid shipping address for AAPG to send the certificate to your chapter. Please send back these necessary informations to Marta Diaz, AAPG Europe Region Project Coordinator and myself.

The full list of winners of the Outstanding European Student Chapter Awards is below.

Outstanding European Student Chapter Award: Adam Mickievicz University, Poznań, Poland

Outstanding European New Student Chapter Award Honorable Mention: University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

Outstanding European Small Student Chapter Award Honorable Mention: Institute Francais du Petrole (IFP), Paris, France

If you have any questions, please let me know.


János Csizmeg
Student Chapter Liaison of AAPG Europe Region
Coordinator of AAPG Visting Geoscientist Program in Eastern Europe