Wykład plenarny Marco van de Vena z Uniwersytetu Radboud w Nijmegen w ramach Colloquium Neerlandicum
Wydarzenie, trwa od 10-05-2013 do 10-05-2013
Zakład Studiów Niderlandzkich i Południowoafrykańskich przy Wydziale Anglistyki zaprasza na otwarty wykład plenarny w ramach Colloquium Neerlandicum na temat: Effects of linguistic diversity in listening and reading. Prowadzący: Marco van de Ven z Uniwersytetu Radboud w Nijmegen.

Kiedy: piątek 10.05.2013, godz. 13:30-14:15

Gdzie: Concordia (Concordia 4), ul. Zwierzyniecka 3 w Poznaniu


During this lecture, I will discuss various aspects of linguistic diversity in listening and reading. With respect to listening, I will present several studies investigating how listeners process conversational speech. These studies focus on acoustic reduction, one of the characteristics of natural conversational speech. Acoustic reduction refers to the phenomenon that sounds are frequently missing in conversational speech. For example, the Dutch word “eigenlijk” may be reduced to “eik”, and the English word “apparently” may be realized like “pery”. These types of reductions are highly frequent in conversational speech. Johnson (2003) found that segments are changed or missing in more than sixty percent of the words, whereas in six percent of the words whole syllables are missing. Previous research indicates that listeners have difficulties recognizing such reduced words without context (Ernestus et al., 2002). I will discuss several studies that assess how listeners use context to recognize reduced pronunciation variants, and how they use the acoustic properties of reduced variants to recognize these variants.
With respect to reading, I will discuss two studies investigating how variability in linguistic abilities influences post-primary reading development. Although there is a large  body of literature on the development of reading skills during primary education, little is known about the course of reading development during secondary education. First of all, I will present a longitudinal study with approximately that investigates the development of Dutch reading fluency of 1013 secondary students. Second, I will discuss a longitudinal study that investigates the influence of Dutch (L1) reading fluency skills on the development of reading fluency in a non-native language (English or French), and whether reading fluency in a second language (English) has an additional influence on the acquisition of reading fluency in a third (French).

Marco van de Ven
Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen.

Informację wprowadził/a: Jadwiga Bogucka

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